Steps to Create a Successful Prayer Line


Millions of people every day turn to the power of prayer, and their church community, for guidance and any number of other reasons. Your ministry can reach many more people, and create a fountain of good faith and connection with the community by establishing a prayer line. But just how to do it?:

1) Settle on Technology
Most prayer lines are either blog-based, conference call-based, or both. With a blog-based prayer line, users make prayer requests via online forms or comments on the Prayer Line page. These requests are taken up by the prayer group either privately, or publicly, depending on the standards you set. A conference call-based prayer line, on the other hand, is managed by the prayer team in real time, at set times during the day or week (some run 24/7). Members can call into the prayer line to join in prayer or make requests, which are handled by the group immediately. This creates a more engaging prayer line environment, and encourages others to join the prayer ministry. Consider using our Free Conference Call Service with Web Control for your prayer line.

2) Establish Roles
Your prayer line ministry must be organized to be effective and successful over the long term. Recruit a Prayer Team with a single Prayer Leader and at least one designated assistant. It will be up to these individuals to keep things organized and moving forward. Most churches already have some kind of prayer team or intercessor group in place, so this is a natural extension of this work. Make sure the day-to-day responsibilities are clear, and your prayer line will be on the path to success.

3) Start Small
With a blog-based prayer line, you may become overwhelmed with requests. A Conference Call Prayer Line allows you to set particular dates and times to control traffic. It is suggested to start with just two one-hour sessions per week (one morning, and one evening) to give your members opportunities to join the prayer line at a time that fits with their schedule. Based on volume and input, expanding these sessions or adding sessions on other days is easy.

4) Structure the Call (Conference Call Prayer Lines only)
Though it may sound too formal initially, having a standard flow to each prayer call is the best way to make sure your Prayer Line is successful. Here is a typical prayer call flow:

  • Welcome, introduction of new participants
  • Opening scripture
  • Housekeeping/etiquette
  • Begin open, or structured prayer
  • Pray for blog commenters, other sources
  • Allow callers to make requests
  • Closing scripture/wrap up

Most conference call systems have a ‘mute all’ function that allows users to listen, but not be heard. It can be an attractive concept to keep things organized, but think hard about muting everyone on your prayer call. Each person praying quietly to themselves is a very different experience from hearing those around you engaging with each other, and with God together. You will likely find that following the steps above will keep your call organized, and keeping all voices included on the call will result in a more meaningful and successful prayer line experience. More about NCC Free Conference Calling with Web Control >>

5) Get The Word Out
Make sure to promote your new Prayer Line through all available means: Church calendar, mention at weekly sermons, bible study, and in the newsletter, as well as online. Make sure that your more social and influential members are well informed, and encourage them to use the prayer line.

6) Stick With it, and Expand as Needed
Don’t be discouraged if your prayer line initially sees little use. Stick with it and it will grow and develop into a critical part of your ministry. Increase the time allotted to your existing calls if the volume of requests requires it. Consider adding completely different dates/times to accommodate others’ schedules. Actively seek out members to add to your prayer team and lead these other sessions, and your growing conference call prayer line won’t be too much of a burden for any one individual. Instead, each will find it uplifting and a meaningful connection to God and your church community.